Things That Stop You From Seeing Clearly
All-day long, our minds play tricks on us. These “tricks” stop us from seeing situations with a clear mind. For example, anxiety might cause us to project our insecurities onto others, OR we might be drowning in self-doubt, which holds us back in so many ways. In both examples, we are not able to see clearly. How do we clear the fog? Well, here’s what we can do:
Allow ourselves to journal or brain dump on a blank page. Keeping a journal will also allow us to track patterns in where our mind takes us. What beliefs do you have about yourself? Are you still holding onto the past? What traumas are you healing from? Allow yourself to go deep with yourself.
Practice giving yourself validation throughout the day. Whenever you complete a task, whenever you do something kind, acknowledge it and celebrate the small victory. This might feel silly to do at first, but with practice, this exercise will help you reprogram your mind to find joy invalidating yourself and no longer seeking outside validation.
Begin to notice what types of limiting beliefs you have about yourself that hold you back. Explore deeper into where those thoughts are coming from. What do your ideas sound like to you? Are your thoughts mean? Are they gentle? Don’t believe everything you think!!!
Here are a few things that can stop us from seeing clearly:
We project our insecurities onto others.
We desperately hold on to our plans.
We are still holding on to the past.
Self-limiting beliefs.
The need for constant validation.
Fear of uncertainty.
Be aware of these things and ask yourself always; could I be doing any of the items above right now? If I stopped, would it help my situation? And then a more critical question comes along: “am I willing to stop?” because sometimes, you know you are doing the wrong thing. You are well aware of it, but it feels too comfortable to just stick with your old ways. Hopefully, after being informed of them, you can slowly work on eliminating these habits. Remember that sometimes the way you think about something isn’t the way it is.